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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Buses finally rerouted out of Market Square

Almost two years after the late Mayor Bob O'Connor proposed rerouting the PAT buses out of Market Square the first step in Mayor O'Connor's plan to revitalize Market Square was reached today, when the bus routes were finally shifted to some of the streets outside of the square.

It is good to see something that we've talked about for so long coming to fruition. I have said for a while now that allowing the buses and cars to cut right through the heart of Market Square on Forbes Ave made the meeting place less pedestrian friendly. The County argued that it would be too difficult to reroute the buses. The citizens and proponents of the route shift thought they were full of it, and today's news should demonstrate that no matter how resistant people here in Pittsburgh are to change, persistance pays off.

Next up - Forbes Avenue will be closed at the point where it meets Market Square. Also, an architect for the redevelopment of Market Square has been chosen and has presented three options for the new Market Square. The options can be viewed here.
